Healthy Michelle and the journey to stay that way

One step at a time

2 steps forward, 1 step back, then running full force!

on April 2, 2016

Hey everyone! I’m back from what I’d lovingly describe as the plauge. It was awful. 12 days of the sickest I’ve ever been, 2 Dr visits, countless meds, and 1 lingering cough that just won’t quit. Good news is aside from the cough I’m mostly back.

Speaking of which, thanks to TV my physio and the McKenzie Protocol I’m feeling SO much better!


The exercises brought me to be able to move and function without pain for the first time in weeks. It is a scientific evaluation of movement and what will make the pain move upwards towards the back from the legs. Basically we found the bending backwards feels good so I’m (trying to) do the above exercise 5-6 times a day to keep the pain at bay.

Right when I was feeling better from my back I got sick with the plague cold so I haven’t had a lot of time to enjoy my newfound comfort. That said, I have exercises with Burke that I can now do and I’ll be able to step up my workouts now that I’m not limited by pain!

I’m really looking forward to sun, bike rides, and our new patio! Bring on summer with good health along with it!

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